Tuesday, April 5, 2011

pi's on a boat

The Life of Pi chronicles a young boy named Pi's adventures aboard a lifeboat on the Pacific Ocean after the cargo ship that is to carry him and his family over to Canada sinks. Pi's companions on this boat are a Grant's zebra, a spotted hyena, a Borneo orangutan and a 450 pound Bengal tiger. The theme of survival, which was introduced in the introductory section of the book, will certainly be a major theme throughout the book as will the relationship between man and beast. The premise of the book is quite interesting as it is a twist on the classic shipwreck survival story. The fact that most of the action of the book will take place on a small lifeboat will provide some entertainment as Pi will be forced to interact with the animals that he is living with. Pi will have to overcome both mental borders and territorial borders in order to survive with a boat full of animals and the dynamics between the different animals will be riveting because none of the animals live in the same habitat in the wild. As a Survivor fan, I am excited to read about how Pi sustains himself while on the ocean. Even though he is surrounded by water, obtaining drinkable water will be one of his most daunting, yet important challenges.

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